This is Jered Dawnne. Or Jered as he looked several years ago. A former wedding and event photographer, Jered now sometimes gets to go places and shoot things in his “free time”. Legally, of course. Not with a gun, with a camera. And sometimes after he does that, he’s afforded the time to produce the results of what he’s captured. And sometimes, those results wind up online in places like this. Which is a roundabout way of saying that Jered has been terrible at self-promotion over the past decade or so, and he’s working on fixing that.
Jered also does some writing. By and large, Jered’s writings center around his photographic process, his post-production methods, and even sometimes just what he’s thinking while he’s doing those things. As well, sometimes he just goes off on a tangent and does some creative writing, and that’ll be published up here, too. It’s all part of that focal — or lack of focal — range, if you will. You’re invited to read or ignore these things as you see fit.
To be quite honest, though, Jered very much appreciates you being here, and he hopes you’ll visit often. He’s trying to keep things updated more frequently than he has in the past.