Welcome to my photo galleries, brought to you by decades of not quite enough time, and countless hours of preparation and production. Since you landed here instead of hitting the “+” beside the menu option, I’ll let you in on a not-very-well-kept secret: It is a rare moment in which I strive to represent the world I see the way it really appears.

By and large, my floral photographs are my first and earliest loves of my photographic career. One of my first mentors challenged me to capture flowers in natural settings and to adjust myself with the wind to make the subjects sharp. That was still quite the challenge in the early days of digital equipment, but I managed to capture quite a few, and I still do from time to time.

These photographs are collected from the other galleries. I have a strong preference for monochrome and quite often capture subjects in odd lighting situations with no real concern for preserving the original colors. As of October, 2021 when I first organized this site, there are numerous monochrome photographs still not yet uploaded which fit this particular description.

"It's the little things in life" isn't just a cliché to me. Although I'm getting older and my eyesight may not entirely what it used to be, I continue to enjoy finding pleasure in the smaller things throughout the world around us. These photographs range from natural takes with a hand-held 105mm macro lens to more elaborate fixed setups in controlled environments.

Wide-angle and panoramas are my later passions. I seriously don't get to travel enough to keep this gallery very full, but it's a goal that I have. As much as I love seeking the smaller things in life, I adore taking the wider view of the world around us. I have always loved the panoramic formats and actively seek to capture views this way whenever possible.

As we are wont to do, I am prone to occasionally photograph random things without any real agenda. As well, I sometimes capture "non-traditional" things with a certain agenda in mind. This gallery is where such imagery resides.

Images of other natural elements which are not my landscapes. This gallery will likely be split into more, once I add more content online. Quite often, this is a form of street photography along a hiking trail, or woodland portraiture, or some other sort of short study into the world at large, where I might happen to be.

Clouds are a natural inspiration, and I've had the privilege of living in areas with expansive skies and sometimes impressive storms. I'm sure it's debatable whether many of these photographs are really just landscapes which happen to have clouds in them, and to be honest, I'm sure I stand on at least several sides of that debate. I've placed them in their own category if for no other reason than for the personal emphasis and love I have for them.